KEY: jP = Picture Books; jZ = 1st and 2nd Grade Readers; jE = 3rd and 4th Grade Readers; JF = 5th Grade and Up
Blacklock, Dyan | PANKRATION: THE ULTIMATE GAME Having been kidnapped from a ship leaving plague-ridden Athens in 430 B.C., twelve-year-old Nic attempts to escape his captors and keep his promise to meet his friend at the Olympic games. |
1997 | 192 p. |
Denenberg, Barry | PANDORA OF ATHENS, 399 B.C. The drama of ancient Greece comes alive in this powerful story of one girl's journey to self-discovery in the uncertain times surrounding Socrates' death. Pandora is a young Greek girl trapped in the roles laid out by society. |
2004 | 125 p. |